Your child's safety during their time at 11 Plus Prep School is our absolute priority, without exception.
When you child is receiving tuition from 11 Plus Prep School, they shall be in a safe environment with friendly and supportive staff. We shall treat all children in our care with respect and understanding, and provide for them a study environment which is pleasant and secure.
Please read our safeguarding policy so that you understand how we help to keep your child safe:
1. DBS checks
All staff who work with your child are required to have DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) checks. The Disclosure and Barring Service is a non-departmental body sponsored by the Home Office. A DBS check checks a person's criminal history, convictions and cautions. After a DBS check, the DBS will supply a certificate to the requester certifying their criminal history (or absence of criminal history).
All staff at 11 Plus Prep School have "clean" DBS records. You are welcome to view our DBS certificates upon request.
2. Fire Safety​
Eleven Plus Prep School staff are trained in fire safety. Eleven Plus Prep School staff work with the venues from which it hires classrooms to ensure its staff know the particular fire procedures of that venue.
3. Health & Safety
(i) Minor Injury
Eleven Plus Prep School staff will carry a first aid kit with them at all times to treat any minor injuries that occur. If a minor injury occurs, we will provide a written and verbal report of the mino injury to the parent upon their collection of the child
(ii) Serious injury
For serious injuries, we shall notify the emergency services immediately, followed by a phone call to the parent.
(iii) Allergies, other medical conditions and disabilities
If your child has an allergy or any other medical condition (e.g., epilepsy) or a disability, please let us know before registering your child onto the course, so that we can make provisions for your child to ensure their safety, comfort and to minimise their exposure to risk.
In the case of food allergens, we will request that parents do not supply their children with such foods (e.g., peanuts) in case they share the food with other children, or in the event that particulate matter from the foodstuffs should trigger an allergic reaction.
4. Freedom from abusive environments
All 11 Plus Prep School staff are obliged to provide a study environment that is free of abuse or harm to the child. This includes an obligation to use only age-appropriate language and non-bullying and non-threatening behaviour.
5. Number of supervisors
At all 11 Plus Prep School tuition sessions there shall be at least two supervisors: the tutor and an assistant. By having at least two supervisors present, we can ensure that your child always has the attention of a responsible person, and that each supervisor can keep ensure that their fellow supervisor(s) is/are maintaining 11 Plus Prep School's high standards of child care.
6. Identification of parents
When you enrol your child onto an 11 Plus Prep School course, we shall ask you to provide a list of responsible adults who may collect your child at the end of a lesson. We reserve the right to ask you to provide photographs of these adults so that we can verify their identity at collection time.
We will also expect you to provide your phone number so that if we have queries about the person collecting your child we can call you to verify that person's identity.
If we have any doubt about the person collecting your child's identity, we will not release your child to them until we have verified their identity.
7. Remaining with children after lessons
If you are late collecting your child, you must notify 11 Plus Prep School by phone as soon as possible. We shall never leave your child alone after lessons, and will remain with them until you - or another responsible adult - comes to collect them.
8. Bullying and bad language
We do not tolerate bullying or bad language in our classrooms from either adults or other children. Any children who bully shall be permanently withdrawn from our classes.
If we encounter bad language, we shall identify it and express in no uncertain terms that such language may not be used in class.
Note, however, that some children's literature (e.g., The Secret Garden, Lord of the Flies) does contain language that might be considered offensive. In the case of bad language that may appear in children's literature, we shall encourage a mature attitude to such language.
9. Photography and recording in the classroom
Generally, 11 Plus Prep School should not need to take photography or record any part of its lessons. However, in the circumstances this might be possible (e.g., for the purpose of creating promotional material), we shall give you advanced notice and the option to ask that your child is not photographed or recorded.